Publisher of the Crédit Mutuel website and applications

Caisse Fédérale de Crédit Mutuel
Cooperative society in the form of a joint-stock company with a registered capital of €5,458,531,008
Registered in the Strasbourg Trade & Company Register (RCS): B 588 505 354
VAT number: FR 62 588 505 354 
4 rue Frédéric-Guillaume Raiffeisen 67906 Strasbourg Cedex 9
Registered Office: 4 rue Frédéric-Guillaume Raiffeisen, 67000 Strasbourg, France
Telephone: 03 88 14 88 14 
Bank governed by articles L. 511-1 et sequentes of the Monetary and Financial Code
Publication director: Mr Nicolas Thery, Chairman

Host for the Crédit Mutuel website and applications

Simplified Joint-Stock Company
Registered Office: 4 rue Frédéric-Guillaume Raiffeisen, 67000 Strasbourg, France
Registered in the Strasbourg Trade & Company Register (RCS): B 312 730 674
Telephone: 03 88 14 88 14

A declaration regarding this audiovisual communication service was submitted to the Public Prosecutor’s department of the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Strasbourg (district court) on 08/02/1999 bearing the reference L10 2547/99 and to the Conseil Supérieur de l’Audiovisuel (Higher Audiovisual Council) as acknowledged on 17/02/1999. For the purposes of this document, the 15 Crédit Mutuel groups marketing Crédit Mutuel products are referred to hereafter as “Crédit Mutuel”.

Statement of rights

The text and graphics, their presentation and their assembly as displayed on this website or in the applications are the exclusive property of Crédit Mutuel. They constitute works and as such as protected by the laws of countries around the world and by international treaties.

Crédit Mutuel is protected by trademark law.

All data relating to individuals collected directly by Crédit Mutuel and published on its website or applications have been subject to a prior request for consent from the persons concerned.

Any use, on the website or in the applications, of logos or personal information belonging to a third party, as well as any dissemination of articles published in the written press, are subject to prior, express and written authorisation (in paper or electronic form).

User licence

By accessing the website or the applications, or any of their constituent parts, you accept a user license granted by Crédit Mutuel in accordance with the conditions defined below.

Access to the products and services described on this website or in the applications may be restricted for certain individuals or in certain countries. None of the products or services presented here will be provided by Crédit Mutuel to a person if the law of his or her country of origin, or of any other country which may concern him or her, prohibits it. The reader of this message is requested to ensure that he/she is legally entitled to connect to the website and the applications in the country from which the connection is established.

Article 1
The following rights are exclusively granted under this licence:

  • a private, personal and non-transferable right to use the content of the website and the applications or any of its constituent parts,
  • a right of reproduction for storage, for the purpose of being displayed on a single screen and a right of reproduction for the purpose of producing one backup copy or paper copy,
  • any use of documents of any type whatsoever from this website or from the applications must mention their source.

Article 2
Subject to the rights granted above, it is expressly forbidden to display and/or reproduce, even partially, any content from this website or from the applications and/or any of its constituent parts, including:

  • for commercial and/or distribution purposes,
  • any use of any of the constituent parts of the website or the applications in a networked computer environment,
  • by means of links. In particular, the presentation of a page from this application in a frame that does not belong to Crédit Mutuel (using the “framing” technique) and the insertion of an image belonging to Crédit Mutuel in a page that does not belong to Crédit Mutuel (using the “in line linking” technique) are prohibited,
  • The repeated and systematic extraction of protected or unprotected elements of the website or applications, resulting in any harm or loss to Crédit Mutuel. This relates particularly to components protected by French Law No. 98-536 dated 1 July 1998 regarding the legal protection of databases.

However, links may be set up to the webpage with the address if all the following conditions are met:

  • the said webpage appears under this(these) address(es),
  • if the links are established from the figurative mark, Crédit Mutuel authorises reproduction and representation for this purpose only,
  • websites linking to this address engage in activities and publish information, images or any other material which are/is not contrary to public policy or to good morals and more generally comply(ies) with French law.

Crédit Mutuel reserves the right to modify these terms at any time.

Crédit Mutuel reserves the right to modify or correct the content of the website or the applications at any time, without notice.

All rights not explicitly granted by these terms are reserved by Crédit Mutuel.

Web Analytics

The Crédit Mutuel website and its applications use Google Analytics, a web analysis tool provided by Google Inc, to improve the services offered to you. Google Analytics is configured with the IP address masking feature which only partially records your IP address, with the result that you cannot be identified by this analysis tool.

However, you may configure your browser in order to disable and refuse any collection of data by the Google Analytics tool

Protection of personal data

Crédit Mutuel undertakes to strictly respect the trust you place in it with regard to the use of personal data you may communicate to it when browsing its website or applications. In accordance with the regulations in force, you have the right to object (depending on the legal basis of the processing operation), access, rectify and erase personal data concerning you. To exercise any of these rights, you can write to the following address:

Data Protection Officer
63 chemin Antoine Pardon

You can also file a complaint with the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL - the French Data Protection Authority), 3 place de Fontenoy TSA 80715 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07

Please consult our Charter on the security and management of personal data


Crédit Mutuel declines all liability for the content of the website or the applications and the use that may be made of them.

The products and services described in these pages do not constitute a commercial offer. Only the competent departments of Crédit Mutuel, which are responsible for marketing, have the capacity to determine the possible availability of the services and products concerned and to set the terms and conditions, including prices, currently in force, which apply to them.

Furthermore, access to certain products and services may be restricted for contractual reasons.

Crédit Mutuel shall not be considered liable in any way for any inaccuracies or typographical errors in the documents or related graphics published on the server, or for the modifications that are made from time to time to the information contained on the server.

Euro-information and Crédit mutuel responsible and traceable actors

Any company subject to Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) has a unique identifier number that is proof that as a “producer” it is registered with ADEME.

Thus, the inclusion of the unique identifier from the National Register of Producers in our contract documents and on our website is an illustration of the obligation of transparency and information vis-à-vis our customers.

Find our unique identifier in the detail below :
Identifier « Graphic papers and packaging » :